Yesterday, I was in the car with my Mom. She was taking me back to my apartment after spending a few hours at her place. We weren't really talking much. It wasn't an awkward or uncomfortable silence. We were just tired.
Then, in my head, I started thinking about how I should come out to my Mom.
Mom, we need to talk. You're not going to like what I'm about to tell you, but there's nothing you or anyone else can do to change it...
Thankfully it was dark, so she couldn't see how red my ears got just at the thought of it. I wanted to say it right then, but I knew that was a terrible place and an inconvenient time. So I still don't know when I will come out to Mom, but at least I have decided how I'm going to start it.
Sorry this isn't a very interesting post. I just felt the need to put it down in words. And it's not like I have that many readers anyway.
May flowers.
12 years ago