Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm bored, so you get a post.

There really hasn't been much to say lately.

There kind of is a new guy, but I'm not even sure if he's gay.

Let's call him the Environmentalist.

I know him (big surprise!) through the musical revue group. Well, I've known him for a year, but I'm just really starting to think of him like this. He's responsible, he's smart, and he's cute without being cocky/shallow like Flippy Hair, the Artist, and Adam's apple. More down-to-earth, you know?

Not that anything could really happen right now, since I'm leaving for Germany in less than a week and won't be back until August. More an acknowledgment that he is definitely boyfriend material than a declaration of my intentions to jump on him and ravish him in the middle of the quad.

And now a cute song/video:

Live. Love. Kick some arse.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

What a day to learn of this

I just learned that Ken Starr (of Clinton impeachment trial fame) is leading the campaign to invalidate all same-sex marriages issued in California prior to the passing of Proposition 8. As if Prop. 8 weren't bad enough, now people are trying to force divorce upon 18,000+ married couples in the name of the 'sanctity of marriage'.

This is absolutely unacceptable. The Courage Campaign is fighting against this injustice.

Please, take a moment to sign the petition on the Courage Campaign website.

Save the marriages of 36,000 men and women in California. End hate. Repeal 8.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

Hmm, so it seems there was a misunderstanding, a failure to communicate within the revue group. Koopa and Nike both ended up being in one of the special vocal groups, and the other one still hasn't been set, so I still have a chance. So it turns out perhaps Flippy Hair wasn't being a passive-aggressive bitch after all. He just wasn't doing his job and letting us know what the hell was going on.

Whatever. I haven't actually been mad about it for a while now. I'll still try for the other vocal group, but if I don't get it, I'll be fine, since I have already come to accept it over the past week and a half.

I may have mentioned this before, but I am currently in a rather unfamiliar state, i.e. I'm not really crushing on anyone now. I've decided this is just fine, especially since 3.5 weeks from now, I will be going to another continent for five months.

Yep, I'm going to study in Germany for a semester. The German semester is just a bit offset, running from March through July.

I have this stupid fantasy in the back of my mind that my time in Germany will be like Xavier's experience in the film L'Auberge espagnole, minus the whole sleeping with a married woman thing, for two very obvious reasons. I dream of having a great time with lots of crazy friends.

To answer the questions people always ask:

No, I am not going with a group. This is a direct exchange program. There are two other people from my unnamed Baptist university who will be going with me, let's call them Russky and Louisa. There is also one girl who has already been there for one semester and will be staying for this semester as well.

Yes, I will be taking a full course load, and yes, my classes will all be taught in German.

No, I am not extremely fluent in German, but I hopefully will be by the time I'm done.

Yes, I will be living in a dorm, only there it's called a Studentenwohnheim.

I will be at a prestigious 552-year-old university in a beautiful mid-sized city in southwestern Germany, less than an hour by train from both France and Switzerland.

Yes, I will be traveling within Europe as much as my schedule and budget will allow.

The other day, it really hit me how soon I would be leaving and I started feeling really sentimental. Koopa and I had a bittersweet conversation about how I will be leaving right after the revue competition is over and when I get back, she will be gone - graduated and gone away to law school. She and I have gotten so close over the past year.

I finally saw Teacher Friend, CSI Friend, Blonde Friend, and KoP this evening for the first time since Blonde Friend's birthday three weeks ago. We had dinner. It was kind of weird. I'm going to be living with them come August, but it seems that as time goes by, we have less and less in common.

I will also be missing the birth of my first nephew, who is due just three weeks after I arrive in Germany. I worry that my little niece won't remember me when I come back. I worry that my octogenarian grandparents will fall ill while I'm gone. I worry that I won't be good enough to succeed.

But I must remain optimistic. They say that if you believe you can do something, you can, right? Like the Little Engine That Could. I just have to believe in myself. I need to work on that.

And now, I leave you with a song that has been stuck in my head all damn day.
